
Volunteers 2024
EYS volunteers are young people from different parts of Germany and from abroad. They are very different people with distinct experiences and talents. The work of EYS drives with their personal dedication.

Teamer, Webmaster and other estimated helping hands
Olaf Barski (Poland)
Degree studies “Biomedical Engineering”
Teamer 2023

Máté Dolhai (Hungary)
Degree studies “Psychology – Economics”
Teamer 2022+2024

Julia Ferrer (Spain)
Degree studies “Fine Arts”
Teamer 2024

Anna-Theresa Klante (Germany)
Educationist/Social Worker
Teamer 2013-2016/2018
Member of EYS-Advisory Board from 2017 till today

Lea Klöber (Germany)
Social worker
Teamer 2019+2024

Hanna Kozsán (Hungary)
Degree studies “Tourism and Hospitality”
Teamer 2024

Nadine Krings (Germany)
Degree studies “Landscape architecture”
Teamer 2022+2023

Bernd Liedtke (Germany)
Software developer
Retired pastor

Selma Lorenz (Germany)
University of Applied Sciences “Health and Social Work”
Teamer 2024

Lili Major (Hungary)
Degree studies “Physiotherapy”
Teamer 2023

Lázár Mészáros (Ungarn)
Teamer 2024

Mátyás Mészáros (Hungary)
Degree studies “International Public Management”
Teamer 2021-2024

Bálint Nátrán (Hungary)
Degree studies “Information Technology”
Teamer 2021-2024

Ellen Reinert (Germany)
Child Care Worker
Teamer 2012/2013
Birthday Angel 2013-till today

Milica Samac (Serbia)
German teacher
Teamer 2017-2019+2021-2023
ESC-Freiwillige 2024

Zsolt Bence Veidinger (Germany/Hungary)
Degree studies „Psychology“
Teamer 2018-2020+2022

Ernesto Villanueva (Spain)
Degree studies “Economics”