Join in!

A survey conducted on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of work camps among former and current work camp participants showed that work camps are still an unknown format of international youth work and unfortunately not all potentially interested young people are reached. This experience is also shared by the Ecumenical Youth Services. From year to year the number of participants from Germany is decreasing. We want to change that!

The Aim
Through the participation of many people, the visibility of EYS work camps should be increased and this great offer should be made accessible to a larger group of young people.

EYS work camps are meaningful encounters for the individual and the community/society.
Through making contacts and friendships, learning something special, experiencing oneself in a new way and the experience of being able to change something, all participants have a personal benefit. The overarching importance for society as a whole is a deliberate side effect that arises and has an unnoticed impact.

Here are a few ideas for joining in and supporting:

  1. the camp organisation
    – I recruit 1 new camp participant
    – I recruit 1 new camp partner
    – I enrich the “living library” with my EYS experiences – my moment of happiness (interview, video, story, photo).
    – I write an article about the EYS in the community newsletter, local newspaper / church newspaper / school newspaper.
    – I convince 1 responsible body of voluntary services that there is the possibility for FSJ students & Co. to take over the leadership of a camp as part of their voluntary service.
    – I use my social media channels to promote EYS.
    – I use the hashtag #EYS-Workcamps for all actions, offers and measures on site.
  2. Participants of the EYS
    – I visit a camp and spend time with the group, e.g. on a country evening, organise a sports programme, work with the group.
    – I offer a guided tour of the city for the group.
    – I bake a cake for the camp
    – I give the camp group fruit/vegetables from the garden.
    – I organise a devotion for the group
  3. Team members of EYS
    – I make myself available as a mentor for the team members.
    – I come to the (digital) seminar and offer a workshop to
  4. The camp partner
    – I organise bicycles for the camp
    – I support shopping with my car
  5. The support association
    – I recruit new members for the association
    – I donate to the association