General Information about Evaluation
The Ecumenical Youth Services use an evaluation tool (online questionnaire) developed and tested on behalf of the German-French and German-Polish Jugendwerk to evaluate their work camps. The instrument was developed by the Forschungsverbund Freizeitenevaluation (consisting of EH Ludwigsburg and TH Köln,,
In 2005 a pilot study on the evaluation of International Youth Exchanges was carried out. The data from this study will be used as comparative data for the data collected by the participants and will be compared with them.
Why do we evaluate international youth exchanges at all?
- We want to find out how the participants experienced the camp.
- We want to know whether the camp achieved what the leadership team set itself as its goal.
- The results of the evaluation provide us with a basis for reflection in the leadership team.
- We want to get indications of what should be different or exactly the same in the next camp season.
- We need the survey results to go public and report on the work.
Because: “After the camp is before the camp.”
Evaluation of recent Ecumenical Youth Services with i-EVAL
In 2021 46 young people participated in the EYS Camps, 34 of them completed evaluation forms online at the end of their camp participation.
The questionnaire consisted of two parts:
First participants were able to communicate their level of their contentment with general aspects of the youth exchange:
Campletter, Travel, Housing, Meals, Weather, Programme, Work, Group activities, Free time, Organisation, Rules, Fun, Atmosphere, Team, Group, Overall opinion.
Part 1 i-EVAL 2022
Second questions were asked about specific aspects:
General and Religion, Relation to the team, Creative work, Social learning, Culture of the host region, Language and communication, , General rating
Part 2 i-EVAL 2022