Online application form for membership of the Support Association

    Förderverein der Ökumenischen Jugenddienste (ÖJD) e.V.

    Application for membership

    I hereby apply for membership in the Förderverein der Ökumenischen Jugenddienste (ÖJD) e.V. starting from

    I join as a private personas an association / organization

    The current membership fee for individuals is 12.00 to 240.00 Euro per calendar year,
    for associations 60.00 Euro per calendar year (or a higher amount chosen by yourself).

    I hereby commit myself to an annual membership fee in the following amount: Euro.
    I transfer this contribution annually by March 31 * at the latest to the folloeing account:
    Receiver: Förderverein der Ökumenischen Jugenddienste (ÖJD) e.V.
    Bank: KD-Bank
    IBAN: DE 73 3506 0190 1500 184007
    * If I join the association later than March 31 of a year, I will transfer within four weeks after the given date of joining.
    For members joining after October 1 of a year, the fee for the year of joining is waived.

    By sending the membership form, I accept the statutes of the association. Statutes.
    (If you have not filled in and sent the application form, please send an e-mail to ) .

    Yes, to the Privacy policy*

    I agree that I may receive information, invitations and event notices from the association at the e-mail address I have previously provided. (optional)

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