Campapplication I sign up binding:(Fields marked with * are mandatory) Camps:* 1. Choice: Berlin-Reinickendorf (July 26th - August 9th, 2025)Berlin-Charlottenburg (July 26th - August 9th, 2025)Paplitz (August 2nd -16th, 2025)Hönow (August 9th - 23rd, 2025) 2. Choice: noneBerlin-Reinickendorf (July 26th - August 9th, 2025)Berlin-Charlottenburg (July 26th - August 9th, 2025)Paplitz (August 2nd -16th, 2025)Hönow (August 9th - 23rd, 2025) Please let us know your contact data. Gender:* femalemalediverse T-Shirt Size:* SMLXL Language level:* German: basicmiddlefluently English: basicmiddlefluently Swimming ability:* yesno My address may be passed on to other participants for the purpose of forming travel groups:* yesno I'm vegetarian:* yesno The origin of EYS information:* InternetFriendTeacherSocial MediaFlyerOthers Religious affiliation (optional): ChristianMuslimNo religionOther religious affiliation Job/Field of study* Special skills* Have you perviously participated in an EYS Work Camp?* If so, please specify? Do you have any health restrictions or impairments (e.g. allergies, food intolerances, medication, heart defects, mental impairments, circulatory disorders)?* yesno If so, please specify? Motivation letter* Passport data (for visa country only) Yes, I accept the Terms and Conditions and the Acceptable Use Policy* Yes, here you find the Privacy Statement* I agree that beyond this event, information, invitations, and event announcements about EYS will be sent to my previously given email address. (optional) YesNo Enter security code: